Founded by Ernesto Catena, a fourth generation winemaker of Italian descent, Alma Negra means Black Soul due to the deep, intense color of the wines made from the Bonarda grape. The first wines made, which where all reds, had a real “black soul” when you saw them in the glass. Ernesto also wanted to create a wine about which little was known concerning the composition or technical details, so that the wine was judged solely on how the taster perceived it. When the line was launched in 2006, the wines were named Misterio, and the mask on the label was a symbol for a hidden identity or mystery.
Having spent a part of his life working as a designer and being a fervent student of the Renaissance humanism, Ernesto sees it as his mission to transform everything in his wine world into art, from growing the grapes to making wine to selling it. Ernesto understands the winery and vineyard as a home for an artist to create and commune with nature; to be one with the poetic nature of life. To truly understand the magic, they invite you to come and visit the home of Ernesto, poeta del vino. From the beginning, Ernesto searched for people with a strong creative drive to make sure that the right values stood at the core of the company. Teamwork is at the center of everything they do, from farming to winemaking and business decisions. They want their work to be fun intense, and meaningful. They don’t fear mistakes, but rather they want to learn from them because for them that’s the only way to learn. They strive for perfection not only in their wines but also in the spirit with which they make them. To share a meal, to enjoy the fruits of their labor – these are the things that matter to them.
Over the years, Ernesto and his team designed their biodynamic farm and vineyard as a sculpture to be gazed upon from the sky, similar to how the Maya and the Inca designed their cities to be enjoyed by the gods. The vineyard is surrounded by natural flora and fauna that help them achieve a state of harmony and equilibrium. They pay homage to the Sun in their Rose Garden and to the Moon in their Vine Labyrinth with music and dancing.
Our Wines
Brut Nature Rosé |
M Blend |