Vini Belluzzo



The Belluzzo winery is located just outside TARCENTO, in the most northwestern corner of Friuli’s Colli Orientali appellation. A large town of circa 9,000 inhabitants, in vinous terms, it’s curiously overshadowed by its more famous, yet very much smaller neighbour, RAMANDOLO. Being geographically so close, you’d be forgiven for wondering why some of the latters sweet DOCG glory hasn’t yet rubbed off on TARCENTO. Well, as one of the wettest townlands in Friuli, perhaps TARCENTO’s rainfall stats have had something to do with it. When it rains, it rains. In any race to select prime vineyard locations, a glance at such records might explain the reason so many have overlooked this beautiful, hill and pre-Alpine mountain landscape. Yet, for those who take the time to dig below the headline data, there’s often untold rewards. Luca Belluzzo has been digging. As the oenologist of Friuli’s largest cantina sociale, Cantina Produttori Cormons, Luca has a unique grasp of Friuli’s exceptionally diverse terroir. Working with growers and vineyards that run from the Colli Orientali and Collio Goriziano, all the way down to the plains of Isonzo and Friuli Grave, his day-to-day understanding of aspect, soil and climate is far-reaching. Indeed, co-ordinating the management of +400 hectares of vineyards, little wonder that his work at the Cormons cantina dwarfs that of his father Graziano’s family holding. The current Belluzzo vineyards, all 2 hectares of them, represent another Oenological Universe. First planted 50 years ago by Luca’s grandfather, they are divided into 4 blocs. At 235m above sea level, the first two blocs are located above the winery, on plateaued fertile ground near the village of Loneriacco. The other two blocs are found on the sheer, terraced hillside perched below the landmark VILLA MORETTI, overlooking Tarcento itself. Here at 287 metres above sea level, Luca and Graziano have been busy reconditioning and replanting. Everything is done by hand, including the boring of 1,250 holes for the most recently replaced vines. Formed some 30 million years ago, the ground is pure PONCA, aka Eocenic marl & sandstone. Only someone with the vocation would dream of taking on the challenge.

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