Due del Monte

Due del Monte


Two friends traveling among the suggestive hills of Friuli, in the north-east of Italy, were accidentally struck by a special place, hidden among the last hills that overlook the Adriatic Sea: Mount Quarin. Here the vine is cultivated since ancient times with exceptional results, thanks to the excellent exposure, the temperature range and the uniqueness of its soils.

Their passion for wine, in the early years, materialized in some projects that came to life thanks to the collaboration with some wineries in the area but the desire to found their own winery was very strong. So after a few years they decided to buy a cellar and some plots on Monte Quarin for a total of 8 hectares. From the beginning they decided to call the company Due del Monte due to the history that had accompanied the project. In 2018 a new staff was selected and a new reality began in Collio.

Our Wines

Ribolla Gialla
Sauvignon Blanc