




The soul behind the constantly evolving reality of Gradis’ciutta is Robert Princic - always supported by his hard-working parents, Isidoro and Ivanka. Robert got his start in wine at a young age, spending time in the vines during every harvest. Having found his very first teacher in nature itself, Robert later completed his studies at the School of Enology in Conegliano. Today, he continues to carry the lessons he learned as a boy into the vineyards and his winemaking practices, embodying a deep care and respect for the land. Robert also carries forward the Princic family’s long history with wine, who, as a historical notary deed proves, were producing wine in Kosana as early as 1780. The year 1997 was a remarkable one for the winery: not only did Robert start working side-by-side with his father, Isidoro, but he also named the winery Gradis’ciutta. Today, thanks to the work of the entire family, 62 acres of the total 87 acres located in Gorizia, Capriva del Friuli, and Dolegna del Collio have been planted with vines. 



West of the city of Gorizia, there is a group of hills known as Collio. The Isonzo River flows through this hilly stretch to the southeast, towards the Judrio creek to the northwest, and in the south it merges into the Friulian plain. Appreciated not only for its wines, but also for fruit and olive oil, Collio was once a backdrop for skirmishes during the Great War. Around the world, its name is synonymous with high-quality white wines. Gradis’ciutta is not only tied to history and geography, but behind the name, which stems from a rural hamlet close to San Floriano del Collio, lies an enduring wine tradition that dates back to the Austro-Hungarian invasions. Before carrying the name Gradis’ciutta, this place was known as Monsvini, which in Latin means “Mount of Wine.” 



The locations of the vineyards at different elevations allow the harvest of several indigenous and international varieties including Ribolla Gialla, Friulano, Pinot Grigio, Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Cabernet Franc, and Merlot. These varieties adapted extremely well to ponca, Collio’s peculiar soil composed of marl and gritstone. Success in growing all these different varietals also comes from the sun, wind, and rain which influence the microclimate. At Gradis’ciutta, Collio’s unique terroir is reflected in the outstanding wines produced whether they be indigenous or international varietals. 



Gradis’ciutta’s pure and clean varietal wines come from indigenous grapes, Ribolla Gialla and (Tocai) Friulano. The blends are created from Malvasia, Moscato, Picolit, and Verduzzo. Two different white blends are produced: one based on the early Vino Bianco and another in the “Colliano style,” which appeared at the beginning of the 19th century. There are also plantings of several international varietals, which were introduced in Collio 150 years ago and have adapted to the terrain. Among whites, there is Chardonnay, Pinot Grigio, and Sauvignon Blanc; and among the reds, Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon, and Merlot. The Pinot Grigio, Malvasia, Chardonnay, and Friulano grapes are certified organic by BIOS.

Our Wines

Pinot Grigio
Ribolla Gialla